Marketing translations, transcreations, adaptations 

English (AE/BE) – German

Marketingübersetzungen, Transkreationen, Adaptionen
English (AE/BE) – German

If you want to increase your visibility and want your texts to expand to their full potential, it is important to have them translated or transcreated. I am specialized in transferring advertising, marketing, and PR texts from English into German so that you increase your success on the German market. If the target text needs to stay close to the source text, a translation is the right choice. For example, this is the case with some but not all texts or excerpts displayed in online shops or on e-commerce platforms.

For most marketing and PR texts, special requirements may apply. In this case, transcreations are used which in all cases, need content adaptation. I adapt British or American English source texts towards the German target audience and the specific conditions of the German culture. In addition, I find new stylistic devices, and solutions for cultural specifics, and design target texts with immense creativity. The result is oriented towards reaching and captivating the new target group. Moreover, I will make sure it has the same impact and produces the same effects as the original text while helping you reach your communicative goals. Depending on the source text, the degree of abstraction differs. An advertising slogan might need to be completely rewritten and transformed, while just keeping the key message.

For marketing translations and transcreations, translation skills, intercultural knowledge as well as expertise in marketing are needed. With my professional specialization, I fulfill these requirements for you. You can find out more about it here. In addition, I will give you comprehensive advice on how your source text should best be handled because the needs and requirements are always individual and different.